News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Same Biden regime that won’t even bother to save Americans in Afghanistan claims everyone should take vaccines because the government cares about saving lives
As much as Donald Trump was accused by the left of being incompetent and incapable when it came to domestic and foreign policy, his presidency was, by any measure, one of the most successful in the history of our country. Trump created one of the best economies we’ve ever had; there were more jobs than there […]
By JD Heyes
Nurses and hospital workers – considered heroes during vaccine-less COVID pandemic – now being fired by healthcare Nazis over refusal to get the jab
As the Biden regime and Democrat drones around the country continue to implement COVID-19 vaccination mandates, more and more Americans are rising up and saying ‘no,’ and that includes health care professionals like highly skilled, highly experienced nurses. In Houston, for instance, 150 nurses and healthcare pros refused to get the vaccine and knew they […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats want to put all unvaccinated people on the terrorist “no fly” list and permanently ban them from all air travel
For months we have been warning about how Democrats are using the COVID-19 pandemic to systematically strip Americans of their most basic and cherished individual liberties, and always in the name of ‘protecting’ us. The same Democrats who went from distrusting the vaccines (rightfully so, it turns out) when President Donald Trump was in office […]
By JD Heyes
U.S. Navy commander sounds the alarm on mandatory COVID vaccine for all military: It will create a national security crisis
Regular readers know we’ve been reporting that the injuries and deaths related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are much higher than previous vaccines, but that doesn’t seem to matter to the powers that be in our government. In fact, the more harmful they become, the more our left-wing, Marxist authoritarian masters are pushing them, even […]
By JD Heyes
Here come the endless COVID booster shots! Fauci says it’s “likely, inevitable” they’re never going to end
We’ve come a long, sad, maddening way from “two weeks to bend the curve” of the novel coronavirus spread to mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports and now, endless COVID-19 vaccine boosters, which, if you don’t take them, you’re not going to be able to fully participate in society. The biggest COVID-19 fraud of them all, Dr. […]
By JD Heyes
Mandatory COVID vaccines at Tyson Foods leads to walkout of some workers amid food supply crisis and rising resistance to medical tyranny
The Marxists behind the regime and the deep state were working their ‘magic’ to turn our country into a socialist gulag with them in charge little by little, like the proverbial frog in the frying pan. Now, with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re engaged in a full sprint toward tyranny. We’ve gone from “two […]
By JD Heyes
Shocking executive order signed by Tennessee’s GOP governor authorizes quarantines, involuntary internment for COVID enforced by National Guard
Up to now during the COVID-19 pandemic, most Republican governors opted to protect the rights and individual freedoms of their citizens and against imposing top-down lockdowns and mandates that robbed people of liberties and their ability to decide for themselves, as Americans, what their own best courses of action would be in terms of self-isolation, […]
By JD Heyes
Some 160 San Fran sheriff’s deputies threaten to resign over mandatory COVID vaccine mandate
Crime is already a problem in crumbling San Francisco, where the ruling Democrat supermajority and their left-wing ‘prosecutors’ are refusing to prosecute thieves and thugs, but the rising lawlessness is about to get worse if city officials don’t change their minds about requiring all 35,000 employees — sheriff’s deputies included — to get a COVID-19 […]
By JD Heyes
Here it comes: CDC director ‘warns’ of endless COVID vaccines as we’re just ‘a few mutations’ away from the original vax being made obsolete
We’re not sure who is more evil at this point, the Communist Chinese for manufacturing COVID-19 and unleashing it on the world or the Big Pharm system that is creating one new billionaire after another over endless vaccine cycles. But one thing we do know: Almost no one in power is being honest about this […]
By JD Heyes
Tyrannical left working to create vaccine “caste system” in America by punishing the unvaccinated and excluding them from society
If you’re someone who never thought they’d live to see a day in America when we returned to the bad old days of segregation and a “caste system” society — which, by the way, we fixed a long time ago through civil war, constitutional amendments, and statutory law — then get in line, because you’re […]
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