By Isabelle Z.
USA Today admits student with measles had already been vaccinated
You might have noticed that the mainstream media generally likes to pretend that getting a vaccine means there is no way you’ll ever contract the disease in question. Any time there is an outbreak, most outlets will go out of their way to point out how many unvaccinated people were involved while conveniently leaving out […]
By Mike Adams
New York Times confirms Natural News investigation: Mumps now spread mostly by vaccinated children
The New York Times is now confirming that Natural News has been right all along about the real cause of mumps outbreaks in America. In a bombshell article entitled, “Mumps Makes a Comeback, Even Among the Vaccinated,” the NYT admits that vaccinated children are spreading mumps. Via the NYT: (bolding added) Most of the recent […]
By Tracey Watson
Comprehensive list of states with the highest toxic vaccine rates
The vaccine debate rages on, with some vehemently pro and others vehemently against vaccine mandates and toxic ingredients. The mainstream media and medical community would have us believe that vaccines are 100 percent effective and 100 percent safe, 100 percent of the time. Anyone who has ever taken the time to read a vaccine insert […]
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