02/25/2024 / By News Editors
A partial list of institutions and individuals who pushed the pernicious idea that you could “suppress” or “eradicate” SARS-CoV-2 with social measures follows.
(Article by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan republished from TrustTheEvidence.Substack.com)
Some of them have since apologised, but most of them are carrying on, pretending nothing happened, all is sweetness and light, the birds are singing in the trees, pigs are flying, and hopefully, they think we will all forget what they instigated.
Listing on this post is not dictated by the fact that some of the names launched personal attacks on us; we are not the Count of Monte Cristo out for revenge.
We include the names because, despite their impressive credentials (in some cases), it was quite clear to us by 8 April 2020, that “zero covid” was pie in the sky – poisoned pie. You cannot suppress an endemic respiratory virus, at least not until you have understood its ecology and routes of transmission. Neither of these boxes has been ticked.
Read more: COVID-19 – The Tipping Point, The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, 8 April 2020
The acceptance or pushing of this folly had two catastrophic consequences.
First, it gave backing to restrictions.
Second, some or most created a witch hunt climate in which few people felt like knuckling down and studying what was going on, thus missing the golden opportunities the situation presented to solve some of the riddles.
Third, those listed below showed crass ignorance of respiratory viral epidemiology and they are likely to approach other topics with the same facile attitude in the future: small hands, long tongue. So here we go in no particular order (with thanks to the source in brackets):
Devi Sridhar, Public Health Professor | Tom Frieden, Former CDC Director |
Jerome Adams, Former Surgeon General | Bill Gates, Software developer |
Anthony Fauci, NIH Director | Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director |
Eric Feigl-Ding | Michael Osterholm, Infectious Disease Professor |
Ian Mackay, Virologist | Angela Rasmussen, Virologist |
Ellie Murray, Epidemiology Professor | Lisa Iannattone, Dermatology Professor |
David Fisman, Public Health Professor | Irfan Dhalla, Medical Professor |
Christina Pagel, Operational Research Professor | Zoë Hyde, Epidemiologist |
Isaac Bogoch, Infectious Disease Physician | Tomás Ryan, Neuroscientist |
Susan Michie, Health Psychology Professor | Bruce Arthur, Toronto Star Columnist |
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Physicist | Mike Gibbs, Ontario Ministry of Health |
Deepti Gurdasani, Epidemiologist | Brian Goldman, ER MD |
The New York Times Editorial Board | Jacobin Magazine |
John Ross, China lobbyist | Chen Weihua, China Daily EU Bureau Chief |
James Palmer, Foreign Policy Magazine Deputy Director | Peter Daou, Democratic Campaign Strategist |
Erica Joy, CTO at Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | Dr. Oz |
Jason Silverstein, Medical Professor | Yoni Freedhoff, Medical Professor |
Zubaida Haque, Equality Trust Director | Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia |
Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia | Diane Abbott, MP |
Timm Bruch, CTV Reporter | Shafi Ahmed, Medical Professor |
Abe Oudshoorn, Nursing Professor | Ananyo Bhattacharya, Science Writer |
Bloomberg Opinion | Brendan Crabb, Microbiologist |
Luke Bailey, iPaper Editor | Paul Bongiorno, Saturday Paper Columnist |
Dirk Devroey, Medical Professor | Emily Deans, Psychiatrist |
Ximena González, Freelance WriterOmar Ghraieb, Oxfam Policy and Campaigns Officer | Zoe Daniel, Australian Politician |
Diederik Gommers, Chairman of the Dutch association for ICU doctors | Jay Beecher, Investigative Journalist |
Femi Oluwole, Writer at The Independent | Jennifer Gunter, OB/GYN |
Cheri DiNovo, Canadian Politician | Malgorzata Gasperowicz, Developmental Biologist |
Andrew Gaffney, Sports Writer | Andreas Eenfeldt, CEO at Diet Doctor |
Quentin Dempster, Journalist | Simon Houpt, Writer at Globe and Mail |
Issa López, Film Director | Rhys Jones, Public Health Doctor |
Emmett Macfarlane, Political Science Professor | Bartley Kives, CBC Reporter |
Jane Merrick, iPaper Policy Editor | Virginia Heffernan, Wired Columnist |
Brian Klaas, Global Politics Professor | Andrea Horwath, Canadian Politician |
Judy Melinek, Forensic Pathologist | Chico Harlan, Washington Post Bureau Chief |
Julien Mercille, Geography and Environment Policy Professor | Paul Mason, Journalist |
Margaret Morgan, Filmmaker | Mary-Margaret McMahon, UK Politician |
Steven Newman, Floriculture Professor | Don Moynihan, Public Policy Professor |
Neel Kashkari, President at Minneapolis Federal Reserve | Kai Kupferschmidt, Science Journalist |
Shannon Palus, Editor at Slate | Umbereen S Nehal, Founder at Nehal Group LLC |
Jonathan S Perkins, UCLA Director of Race and Equity | Tyler Watt, Public Health Nurse |
Tony Blakely, Epidemiologist at Melbourne University | Alfons López Tena, Spanish Politician |
Tara C Smith, Infectious Disease Professor | André Picard, Globe and Mail Health Journalist |
Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post Columnist | Michael Schull, Medical Professor |
Stefanie Leder, TV Writer/Producer | Diana Z Berrent, Founder at Survivor Corp |
Asa Winstanley, Investigative Journalist | Jeff Sharlet, Author |
Bell Ribeiro-Addy, UK Politician | Claudia Webbe, UK Politician |
Bruce Hawker, Political Commentator | Alheli Picazo, Freelance Writer |
Charlie Stross, Author | George Aylett, UK Politician |
Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome Trust | Brianna Wu, Executive Director at Rebellion PAC |
The Nation |
17. Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now. Published online 14 October 2020, The Lancet (see image below).
The OECD data is very concerning and helps show the danger of thinking that the coronavirus pandemic presents us with a binary choice between saving the economy or saving lives.
This is a false dichotomy, and the truth is that minimising community transmission will allow a faster and stronger economic recovery. This is why the APPG on coronavirus has been pushing government to aim to reduce Covid-19 transmission to as close to zero as possible in preparation for the difficult winter months ahead.
Saving lives or UK economy from Covid a ‘false choice’, MPs warn, The Guardian, 26 August 2020
21. Depressingly, even Sponge Bob pushed for lockdown.
If you have any additions to the list, Trust the Evidence welcomes them in the comments below their article HERE.
Read more at: TrustTheEvidence.Substack.com
Tagged Under:
biological warfare, bioweapons, conspiracy, covid-19, covid-19 lockdown, lies, lockdown, pandemic, Plandemic, propaganda, vaccine
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